Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Keep Up The Pace

My already-busy life has suddenly become a whirlwind.

Last week I decided to take on an exciting opportunity. Now in addition to having two kids, being married, taking five classes, and blogging, I will also be writing a parenting column for an online magazine called The Examiner! I'm beyond excited. Really, excited doesn't even begin to cover it. I jumped up and down so much the day I got offered the job I thought I was going to break through the floor. It is amazing in the way that only unexpected things that you never think will actually happen are.

Okay, random story, but when I was in high school I really, really wanted to write for the school newspaper. I actually had a few teachers who also wanted me to, but I was always really self-conscious about my writing in that way that a seventeen-year-old is self-conscious about just about everything. Long story short,  I never did it. I kind of always wished that I had. Anyway, fast-forward ten years and I have a public blog and a column for an online newspaper, that anyone anywhere can read anytime. 

I've come a long way, baby.

But with the confidence to blab my life story to a computer and the thrill of being on the internet in a good way, something unexpected also arrived. Anxiety.

This really wouldn't be anything that remarkable if I was anxious about the job, school, or how to juggle my life, but I'm not. I'm just anxious, without context. And the worst part is, I've taken to pacing. I pace and I worry about things like global warming and public schools, and whether or not Leonardo DiCaprio will ever win an Oscar. Sometimes I worry that those horn things in Lady Gaga's face hurt her. In other words, a varied and really random assortment of things, none of which I could ever possibly have any control over (Okay, maybe global warming, but that's a tangent for another day). Sometimes Ben likes to pace with me and, while I like the company, it does nothing to relax my preexisting fear that I'm psychologically damaging my kids just by being their mom. 

I can't explain it, but I guess I'm just going to choose to focus on the good in life. Because there really is a lot of it. And if nothing else, at least pacing is exercise.


  1. I <3 your blogs :) Just wanted you to know. Congrats on your new found confidence! In regards to your anxiety and pacing, ignorance is bliss. The more you educate yourself and become aware of things in life the more you tend to worry. So your anxiety is just a sign that you are SUPER SMART and have a lot of KNOWLEDGE in a broad range of topics. LOL.
    ;) Chelsey

  2. Ha! I wanted to say ignorance is bliss, too! But really abs, you're just a really awesome mom! A superhero no less that wants to make all right in the world... one step at a time =)

  3. Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. ~Benjamin Franklin
