Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When did I have that third child?

Husbands are funny.

Husbands are your man. Your protector. Your amazing, adorable, such-and-such, and all that good stuff. And then you have children and suddenly Husband locks into the role of "fun one".

Do you guys watch Modern Family? Josh and I are really into it right now. On the show (for those of you who don't know) there is a couple named Claire and Phil who are the parents of three children. Claire is a slightly uptight, super-organized neat freak, who prefers a "let's sweep it under the rug" mentality. Phil, on the other hand, is a laid-back, go-with-the-flow self-proclaimed "cool dad" who definitely has a "hug it out" mentality.

If any of you are thinking "Hey, that sounds like Abbey and Josh!", Good Job! ;)

Anyway, in this one episode Claire is driving in the car with her son and the son starts talking about how cool and fun Phil is. Long story short, Claire tells her son that she used to be cool, but she gave it up for the kids because you can't have two cool parents or you'll end up like the kid that comes to school in pajamas and pays for everything with hundred dollar bills.

It's so true.

Dads are always the cool ones. Always the fun ones. Sure, they put their work in with disciplining, loving, and potty-training and everything else that comes along with it. But somehow Dads are still seen as the parent that most resembles a kid and so Moms are left to feel like they've gained, you guessed it, an extra kid. It's not necessarily always a bad thing (like when the kids want to go play with Josh and I can blog!) but I see it all the time, with all of my friends who have kids, and I just want to know why this phenomenon happens. Moms are hip. Moms are rockin'. Okay, maybe not me, but I'm sure that some Mom somewhere is cool. 

Maybe we'll never know. All I know is that right now Josh is taking Layla to see "Tangled" and this Mama and her Mama's boy are taking a nap. Yay!


  1. I love that show...and Phil is my favorite!

  2. Dad's become the cool dad when mom never leaves them to do the dirty work! I've been a nanny to 3 kids for almost 5 years now. They are 9,7 & 5. Believe me when I say they never deal with the dirty work cause mom never leaves it for them to deal with! It seems like the mom just takes care of it so they don't have to worry about it! Example: When the dad of the kids I watch was suppose to go to one of the kids practice while mom goes to the others he said, "Can't we just pay Dawn more & have her help out on this day too?" Lol! Needless to say she said no you need to do it! Finally she is making him do more!
