Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good Day Sunshine

People will tell you that the first year of marriage is the hardest, but that's a lie.

The first year of marriage is unbelievably awesome. You spend the entire first year not being able to get over how cool it is to say "husband" and "wife".  Everything they do is adorable and you can't contemplate how couples will nag each other about tiny little things like leaving dirty socks on the floor. But the truth is that beyond that first year, little, insignificant things will bother you too, no matter how much you try to fight it.

And so, the following is my little, insignificant thing.

I love Josh, I really do. But he is such a relentlessly sunny morning person that so often my very first thought in the morning is, "Must. Kill. Husband" (in case you're not picking up on the obvious here, I am not a relentlessly sunny morning person). He whistles while he shaves and hums while he irons, whereas I need a good 45 minutes and two cups of strong coffee before I can stammer out a coherent sentence.The most annoying part is that I pretty much have to suck it up and deal with it, because what could I possibly say? "Stop being so cheerful"? or "Knock it off with the good mood!"? I'm the grumpy one! He should be annoyed with me! He's not, of course, but then how can he be annoyed when he's practically spinning around our room being dressed by songbirds like a Disney princess? Josh, however, claims he's not really that much of a morning person. He says he's not a morning person, he just "see's every morning as a new possibility".


If you're thinking right about now that I should find something legitimate to complain about, you're not alone; I think so too. We have our pointless little fights and sometimes more meaningful fights just like every couple I know, but at the end of the day, Josh could teach a class in what it means to be a great husband. Especially considering the fact that he's a great husband to the great big old mess that is his wife. I recently read a hilarious quote (and I'm sorry to say I don't remember who said it, so let's all hope I don't get sued for repeating it uncredited!) that said "I don't have to smoke weed to eat an entire box of Triscits and worry about whether or not people like me", which I feel sums me up pretty well. And Josh just rolls with it. And I complain about him being a morning person. Anyone feel sorry for Josh yet?

The point is that no matter how much you love someone, they're not above annoying you, whether your annoyance is legitimate or not. Right now, I can admit that the fact that Josh is a morning person is actually pretty admirable and even a little sweet. But it's nighttime right now. When the alarm goes off in the morning, I'm sure I'll feel differently.

1 comment:

  1. Your mornings sound a lot like my mornings ;) And "see's every morning as a new possibility" is the morning-person's motto...how can he say he's not a morning person? Haha, You two are great together :)
