Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 15: Lights, Camera, Transaction

The other night, at the height of my emotion over the George Zimmerman verdict, I made a joke. I realized later that it was probably in poor taste, but I made it anyway.

I joked that I was willing to bet that by Christmas time, George Zimmerman would probably be a Fox News analyst. Two days later, my joke came to fruition. I was right about the gig, just wrong about the network, though honestly, for someone who loves to be right, I wish I had been wrong about the whole mess.

CNN announced today that George Zimmerman is getting his own reality show, slated to premiere this fall. Apparently CNN (who aired the trial almost exclusively) enjoyed the high ratings it received from broadcasting the death of an innocent child and wishes to continue the ratings ride. They admitted, rather unabashedly, that they don't believe that the "cameras should go dark after the courtroom drama ends".

Oh, but you haven't heard the worst part yet (yes, it gets worse). The tagline: "Whether he's navigating the inside of a jailhouse, or back on the neighborhood watch beat - only CNN will give you the exclusive inside scoop every Friday at 8pm / 7 central." And no, I'm not joking.

Is it just me, or do the Kardashians suddenly seem really classy in comparison to this nonsense??

Furthermore, I have to ask: What is with our obsession with reality TV? Why does anyone care what goes on in the life of someone else?  Is it all about the ratings? The money? The fame? Whether it's Kim and Kanye, Zimmerman, Dancing with Stars, So You Think You Can Dance Better Than A Smart Fifth Grade American Who's Got Talent....It's too MUCH. And something like this can't even be viewed as any form of fun escapism, in my opinion. Verdict aside, politics aside, this is just wrong. It's sick. It takes voyeurism to a whole new, creepy level. He's barely out of jail and he has a TV show. I'm sure a book deal, movie, and 55 hour marriage to Brittany Spears aren't far behind.


  1. Replies
    1. I thought the exact same thing. Unfortunately, I checked on it on and it checks out.

  2. Can you post the link to the CNN report about it? Because the Daily Currant is a satirical news site, but there are conflicting reports about this being real or not...

  3. Yeah, I think it may be fake. THANK GOD.

    Although, let's be honest. The last few days of courtroom coverage have not been too far off from a reality TV show.

    1. Haha, that's definitely true! Yes, I heard it was a fake. I'm both extremely glad it's not happening (yet, anyway) and extremely embarrassed for being one of the people that bought the story!
