Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 31: A Supposedly Fun Thing That I'll Never Do Again

Well friends, the date today is July 31st which means that my 31 days are up, all blogged on and accounted for. The challenge is over. I did it. 

To celebrate the end of the first short-term goal I've ever successfully achieved, I compiled a brief, statistical look back on my (sometimes excruciating) 31 Days of Diva challenge:
  • I wrote 27 blogs total with four guest blogs from my extremely talented guest bloggers (Thank you Adam, Tescha, Emilee and John! Knowing that I had a break once a week did more to keep me sane than you will ever know. You guys rock).
  • Between me and my guest bloggers, we wrote 29,347 words (including this blog), which roughly translates into 59 single-spaced pages. I suddenly find the idea of writing a book significantly less daunting. 
  • Total blog page views for the month of July (Not including this blog): 2,921 (but more on that later)
  • Number of times I wanted to quit the Challenge: 31 (I'm dramatic)
  • Number of times I actually, seriously considered quitting: 2 
  • Number of Facebook friends I lost: 3 (you can't win 'em all)
  • Number of Twitter followers I gained: 11 
  • Number of Twitter-verified rappers who followed me because they liked my Trayvon Martin blog: 1 
  • Number of people who told me they would never be able to look at Martha Stewart the same way because of me: 13 (sorry guys)
  • Number of panic attacks I had because I couldn't think of a single thing to write about: 4 (not bad, actually)
  • Number of hoaxes I believed: 1 (almost 2, but I Googled him and Jackie Chan is still alive)
  • Number of blogs I wrote that I hated and wished I could take back: 3 
  • Number of days I felt overwhelmed with gratitude and love for everyone who was reading Triple D on the daily: 31
It's important to note that none of these lovely (and sometimes strange) statistics would have been possible without all of you. Thank you.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to read my blogs every day. I really can't tell you how much the support has meant to me. I was terrified at the beginning of this challenge that I was going to alienate myself from everyone I know by bombarding them daily with every thought that entered my nutty little brain. I saw a lot of begging people to read my blog (even more so than usual) and feeling like I was working my booty off for no reason in my future, and it was intimidating. And while I did have a few of those days (and I did manage to alienate myself from at least a couple of people), the majority of my 31 days were a blur of pleasant surprises. You guys were reading, sharing, commenting and coming back for more. When I saw my page view numbers for the month, I did a cartoon-worthy double-take. This number (2,921) means that my little blog got about a hundred hits a day, every day, for the entire month. That number blows my mind and exceeds my wildest, most optimistic expectations. I can't thank you guys enough for all of your support.

And thanks for being there on the rough days too, the days that I couldn't stop critiquing myself, my mind echoing the harsh ways that the celebrity chef panel on "The Next Food Network Star" (my latest and most pressing obsession) critiques its potential chefs. You're making a bold statement, but not connecting with the audience. You're not getting out of your comfort zone, be braver. Pack up your knives and go home, you suck. Well, you get the idea. Thanks for being there to tell me that I don't suck. There's probably a much more eloquent way to say that, but there's nothing more redeeming than being told that you don't suck when you feel like you do. In other words, thanks for being my little army of anti-Bobby Flays, guys. It meant a lot to me.

I went into this challenge hoping to find the motivation and self-discipline to write every day and I'm proud to say that I did. Actually, what I really discovered is that those qualities have probably been here all along, but were lying dormant, waiting to be woken up. I may come out of this whole experience with a desire to write more than my usual 2 blogs a month. While I'm not sure that aimlessly writing about nothing everyday is my "thing", I think I may finally be ready to turn all of my nothing into something.

Well, eventually. Right now I need a break. Right now, in the immortal words of Popeye, I've had all I can stands and I can't stands no more.

But don't worry. The world is a shocking place filled with interesting characters that are sure to either inspire or piss me off, not to mention the fact that I have the kind of kids that are always doing funny, blog-worthy things.

I'll be back.


  1. loved this month -thanks for the entertaining and interesting posts ;) and congrats on making your goal!

  2. Way to follow through! Great last post too btw!

  3. Noooooooo!!!! You not blogging every day = 15 more minutes I have to spend working every day! ABBEY!!!! HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO ME??

  4. btw, I meant to comment on yesterday's blog- it's so funny that you wrote that yesterday because I had just watched one of the Christmas episodes of Community the night before. (See, I was still in school when Community originally aired so I COMPLETELY MISSED IT and now I'm playing catch up (definitely check it out if you haven't, it's on Hulu +), which means in the last week I've seen a halloween episode, a christmas episode, AND a valentines day episode.)

    NEway, I had to laugh at myself because the christmas episode I watched two nights ago (the Claymation one from season 2)had made me cry with it's sweet ending and musings on the meaning of the holiday and family and friends and togetherness. Yes, I cry during sitcoms. But only when they're really good!! Don't judge!

    And then I got to work the next day and ready your blog! There I was getting all choked up about Christmas in the middle of July... and then there you were doing the same thing and totally validating me!

    So yeah. Thanks for that. :) Yay for holidays that remind us how to be nice to each other!
